I really don't know where to begin. I just know that blogging is new to me having begun my first one a few weeks ago called FindersKeepersAntiqueAndTreasures. As I began writing those posts I could feel a small nudging in my mind asking why wasn't I telling the stories that mean the very most in my life? And with my logical mind I argued back that no one would be interested in what a sixty two year old woman has to say. I argued that it had all been said before. And God continued to nudge me telling me that each of us have a unique voice and that I needed to share mine. I have learned over the years that as I argue with Spirit, using my logic, tearing myself down with self doubts and recriminations, that it is a waste of time. God doesn't give up. I will hear his voice through other people, through reading a book, a blog, a billboard. Always in the Silence I feel the nudges, the quiet, gentle whisper saying, "just do it". One would think I wouldn't bother to argue after all of these years, that I would simply follow the calling and show up. Oh, that it was that easy. My Dad always said we are spiritual beings living in a human world and so the logic kicks in and we tend to judge ourselves as we feel the world judges us. When we do that we always fall short. Too unkind, too selfish, too ignorant, too human and the beat goes on and on until we are stuck in our tracks and do nothing. But in the Silence we can sit in the very lap of God, we can let Him/Her wipe away the tears and hear the whisper in our ear that we are loved, we are worthy just as we are.
Thank you for stopping to visit with me. I want you to feel welcome here. Please leave a comment or a question because I could certainly use the human confirmation that what I am writing makes sense to you. I would much rather speak than write because then I can see you nod your head, connect with your eyes and know that your spirit agrees.
With hope,
I have always love the hymn that said "Take my hands Lord Jesus, let them work for you" You hear a voice or you have a dream or you feel a nudge... and you become the hands that do the work God wants done. Best wishes as you start this new blog.
ReplyDeleteOh, I am so glad that you are doing this. I have been so very lucky over the years to learn from your stories and I am glad you are going to be using this medium to give them out to even more people. This blog is going to be such a gift to everyone who comes across it. Much love and I'll help all I can.... D.